“Some people go to places for the pictures. I go to places for the people.”
White Jacket 办公室

White Jacket 办公室


忠于White Jacket的设计风格,我们设想了大气且充满感情的工作室环境。依此方向,我们创造了一系列相互连接并富有层次的空间,在访客走过每个房间时会自然衍生出一种好奇感。该办公室位于一个80年代风格的旧仓库内,并以公司的创始人Patricia在马来西亚和新加坡的大量童年记忆为参考。


展示厨房区,展示当地著名艺术家 David Chan 的作品
展示厨房区,展示当地著名艺术家 David Chan 的作品
Earthing Way
by Aeropalmics

Breaking from the confines of a standard office, Patricia saw the potential for something greater and leveraged her fervent appreciation of the arts by creating an atelier space where art and community converge – a dynamic space that serves to inspire and cultivate creativity and collaboration. As such, one of the key highlights of the studio is the creation of the atelier. With an emphasis on supporting artistic growth, the studio has ambitious initiatives in progress, such as an upcoming artist residency program and regular exhibitions scheduled every three months.
Breaking from the confines of a standard office, Patricia saw the potential for something greater and leveraged her fervent appreciation of the arts by creating an atelier space where art and community converge – a dynamic space that serves to inspire and cultivate creativity and collaboration. As such, one of the key highlights of the studio is the creation of the atelier. With an emphasis on supporting artistic growth, the studio has ambitious initiatives in progress, such as an upcoming artist residency program and regular exhibitions scheduled every three months.